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UX Review

Unlock the full potential of your website with &Element's UX Audit Services. We delve deep into your site's user experience and elevate your online presence by optimising your UX today. Let's make every user interaction count!

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What is a UX audit?

A UX audit is a comprehensive review of a product’s user interface and user experience aspects. It involves evaluating the existing UX to identify problems and opportunities for improvement in how users interact with the product. During a UX audit, various elements such as usability, functionality, efficiency, and overall visual appeal are analysed to ensure they meet user needs and business goals effectively.

The process typically includes collecting user feedback, analysing interaction patterns, and assessing the effectiveness of the user interface design. The ultimate goal is to enhance the product's usability, increase user satisfaction, and optimise the overall user journey, making it more intuitive and engaging.

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What is UX?

UX, or User Experience, refers to all aspects of an end-user's interaction with a company, its services, and its products. The goal of UX design is to create easy, efficient, relevant, and all-around pleasant experiences for the user. This involves designing the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability, and function.

It's not just about creating products that are usable; it's about creating products that enhance the experience of the user in meaningful ways. UX design considers how a user feels while interacting with a product and strives to make the journey as enjoyable as possible by removing pain points and enhancing usability.

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Is UX design part of web design?

Yes, UX (User Experience) is a fundamental part of web design. In web design, UX focuses on understanding the user's needs and creating an online experience that is efficient and enjoyable. This involves the layout of information, interaction design, and the overall flow of the website to ensure it is user-friendly.

UX designers work to optimise a website’s structure and behaviour for the best possible user experience, integrating elements such as ease of navigation, fast load times, and intuitive interface design. By prioritising the user's journey through the website, UX aims to enhance satisfaction and maximise the effectiveness of the site in meeting its business goals.

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Every $1 invested in UX results in a return of $100

Investment Return


of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience

Customer Retention


Implementing a UX redesign can increase customer satisfaction by up to 20%

Customer Satisfaction


By integrating UX from the start, companies can lower their product development costs by up to 50%

Reduced Development Cost


of adults think that a company’s website when viewed on a mobile device should be better than its desktop website

Mobile Experience


A well-structured UX design can potentially raise a website’s conversion rate by up to 400%

Increased Revenue

Our web development process



We begin by clearly defining what you aim to achieve with the UX audit. Objectives can range from improving conversion rates to enhancing user satisfaction or reducing user drop-off rates.


Heuristic Evaluation

We conduct a heuristic evaluation based on established usability principles. This involves a UX expert reviewing the site to identify usability problems in the user interface design


User Journey Mapping

We develop personas for your typical users based on the data collected. These personas should represent different user types and their respective needs, goals, and behaviour patterns. Then we outline the steps users take to complete tasks on the website or app, highlighting pain points, bottlenecks, and moments of friction.


Usability Testing

We set up usability testing sessions with real users who match the developed personas. This can be done through task-based testing where users are asked to complete specific tasks while observers note where they encounter problems.


Findings Report

Finally our team creates a detailed report summarising all the issues discovered, supported by data from the evaluations and tests conducted. We suggest a follow-up plan to implement the recommendations, monitor changes, and assess the impact of those changes on user experience.

Want to get a tailored process to your specific needs? Contact us now

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University of Suffolk

Ruth Patron

Centre Manager

&Element created us an immersive brand and brand strategy for Entrepreneurs Forge. The team worked with us through many research rounds to delivery exactly what we wanted.

Cochrane Associates

Dr. Peter Cochrane OBE

Ex-CTO of BT

There is nothing like a change of career for creating a tidal wave of disruption; and after decades of leading industry, I was ready. &Element are the best I have worked with to progress this change, and therefore come with my full support and highest recommendation.

Arma Karma

Ben Smyth


We worked with &Element to create an engaging pipeline of projects over 12 months for our business. Including a marketing website, 3 customer checkouts and a staff dashboard and API integrations, &Element supported us to achieve this huge feat.

Ballen Studios

Christopher Luich

Head of Operations

&Element have been fundamental to developing our AI dashboard and other machine learning solutions. They have allowed us to achieve huge growth and modernisation in our company. Thank you for your hard work.

Ministry of Defence

Sarah Eshelby

Employability Officer

We approached &Element to build us an employability portal for our tri-service military personnel looking at gaining new skills and career opportunities. They were efficient and helpful throughout the project and we hope to work with them again.


Stephanie Demetriou


Thank you &Element for your hard work, professionalism and knowledgeability. Leading us over many years to build out our web dashboards and integrate advanced AI features (such as facial tracking, intelligent teleprompters, data scraping).

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Node.js server-side development

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Next.js. a react framework

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MongoDB, noSQL database

Web Development FAQs

A UX audit is a thorough review of your website or application’s user experience, aimed at identifying barriers to optimal user performance and satisfaction. It involves evaluating the interface and user interactions to pinpoint usability issues and areas for improvement.


Investing in a UX audit can significantly enhance user engagement, improve conversion rates, and reduce user drop-offs by identifying and rectifying usability issues. It provides actionable insights that can lead to a more effective and enjoyable user experience.


A UX audit includes an examination of various elements such as usability, functionality, design consistency, and accessibility. It often involves heuristic evaluations, user journey mapping, and usability testing to gather comprehensive insights.


The duration of a UX audit can vary depending on the size and complexity of the website or application. Typically, a UX audit can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months.


While a UX audit primarily focuses on usability and user experience, improvements in these areas can positively impact SEO. Enhancements such as faster load times, mobile responsiveness, and improved interaction signals can all contribute to better SEO performance.


A UX audit can identify a range of issues, from navigational difficulties and confusing layouts to inaccessible content and poor visual hierarchies. These are problems that can frustrate users and lead them to abandon your site.


A UX audit should be performed by an experienced UX professional who has a deep understanding of user behaviour and design principles. This expertise is crucial for accurately assessing usability and providing practical recommendations.


To prepare for a UX audit, gather all relevant information about your website or app, including access to analytics, user feedback, and previous usability reports. Having clear objectives and questions you want the audit to address can also help focus the audit process.


After a UX audit, you will receive a detailed report outlining the findings and recommendations for improvements. It is important to prioritise these recommendations based on their expected impact and feasibility and to plan for implementing changes.


The cost of a UX audit varies based on the scope of the audit, the complexity of the project, and the expertise of the auditors. We encourage you to contact us if you wish to know our pricing.


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We offer a free review of your digital presence to understand your problems and build a strategy to make you succeed online.