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PWA Development

Elevate Your Online Presence with Our PWAs Development Services. Boost your reach and performance across all platforms with a single solution. Discover how our expert PWA development can transform your business today.

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What are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)?

Progressive Web Apps are a type of web app development that offer an enhanced user experience by leveraging modern web technologies. Unlike traditional web apps, PWAs are designed to work offline and can be added to the user's home screen without the need for an app store download.

Key features of PWAs include push notifications, app-like navigation and interactions, and the ability to work seamlessly across devices and platforms.

People pointing at phone

How can PWAs benefit your business?

PWAs also offer SEO benefits, as they are indexable by search engines and can be shared via URLs. This can help improve the app's visibility and discoverability, making it easier for users to find and engage with the app.

Progressive Web Apps offer a more seamless and engaging experience for users. They load quickly, even on slow or unreliable networks, and offer an app-like interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate. This improved user experience can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates for businesses.

Phone and macbook

How does PWAs development work?

When developing a Progressive Web App, it's important to choose the right framework that meets your specific needs. At And Element, we specialise in ReactJS web app development, which is a popular front-end framework known for its performance and flexibility.

It is also important to focus on performance and user experience. PWAs should be designed to load quickly and work seamlessly, even on slow or unreliable networks. They should also offer an intuitive and engaging interface that is easy to navigate and use

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Use the opportunity to increase your business sales through app development, start your journey today.

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PWAs have been shown to increase user engagement by up to 200%

User Engagement


PWAs load 2-3 times faster than traditional mobile websites

Loading Time


PWAs consume 25% less data compared to native apps, making them ideal for users in areas with limited or expensive data plans

Reduced Data Usage


Companies see average conversion rates increase by 36% after adopting PWAs

Conversion Rates


Developing a PWA can be up to 3-4 times less expensive than developing a native app for multiple platforms

Reduced Development Cost


The offline functionality of PWAs allows users to continue browsing even without an internet connection, this has contributed to a 20% increase in sales

Revenue Growth

How do we start?



Initially, we meticulously analyse your requirements, setting a solid foundation for your project. This phase ensures clarity on objectives, target audience, and desired outcomes, forming a bespoke strategy.



Our team designs the user experience and user interface, focusing on mobile-first design principles, to ensure the PWA is intuitive and engaging.



Then our developers build the user-facing elements of the PWA using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring it is responsive and adheres to web standards.


Quality Assurance

Testing is conducted to evaluate the PWA’s performance, focusing on load times, responsiveness, and reliability under various conditions, especially offline capabilities.



We deploy the PWA to a production environment and conduct final pre-launch checks. After launch, we continuously monitor the PWA’s performance and user engagement to gather user feedback and make necessary adjustments.

Want to get a tailored process to your specific needs? Contact us now

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University of Suffolk

Ruth Patron

Centre Manager

&Element created us an immersive brand and brand strategy for Entrepreneurs Forge. The team worked with us through many research rounds to delivery exactly what we wanted.

Cochrane Associates

Dr. Peter Cochrane OBE

Ex-CTO of BT

There is nothing like a change of career for creating a tidal wave of disruption; and after decades of leading industry, I was ready. &Element are the best I have worked with to progress this change, and therefore come with my full support and highest recommendation.

Arma Karma

Ben Smyth


We worked with &Element to create an engaging pipeline of projects over 12 months for our business. Including a marketing website, 3 customer checkouts and a staff dashboard and API integrations, &Element supported us to achieve this huge feat.

Ballen Studios

Christopher Luich

Head of Operations

&Element have been fundamental to developing our AI dashboard and other machine learning solutions. They have allowed us to achieve huge growth and modernisation in our company. Thank you for your hard work.

Ministry of Defence

Sarah Eshelby

Employability Officer

We approached &Element to build us an employability portal for our tri-service military personnel looking at gaining new skills and career opportunities. They were efficient and helpful throughout the project and we hope to work with them again.


Stephanie Demetriou


Thank you &Element for your hard work, professionalism and knowledgeability. Leading us over many years to build out our web dashboards and integrate advanced AI features (such as facial tracking, intelligent teleprompters, data scraping).

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React.js Development image

React.js Development

Node.js server-side development image

Node.js server-side development

Next.js. a react framework image

Next.js. a react framework

MongoDB, noSQL database image

MongoDB, noSQL database

PWA Development FAQs

Progressive Web Apps are a type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They are intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices.


Developing a PWA can significantly improve your site’s performance, increase engagement, and boost conversion rates. PWAs are fast, reliable, and can work offline, making them particularly effective for improving user experience in areas with poor connectivity.


PWAs provide a native-like experience with fast load times, responsiveness, and the ability to receive push notifications. They can also be added to the home screen of a device, providing easy access without the need for a full download or installation.


Unlike native apps, which must be downloaded from app stores and installed on a device, PWAs are accessed through a web browser. This allows PWAs to be platform-independent and easily updated without the need for user intervention to download updates.


  1. Yes, one of the key features of PWAs is their ability to function offline or on low-quality networks. Thanks to service workers, PWAs can cache important resources and data, allowing continued access even without an internet connection.


PWAs are particularly beneficial for mobile users as they offer faster load times and a full-screen experience, which are critical for retaining users on mobile devices. Their responsive design adjusts seamlessly to fit any screen size, optimising the mobile user experience.


PWAs can positively impact your SEO because they are fast, reliable, and engaging. Google rewards websites that provide a better user experience with higher search rankings, which is facilitated by the characteristics of PWAs.


The development time for a PWA can vary based on the complexity of the features and the specific requirements of the project. Typically, a PWA project can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.


PWAs are served through HTTPS to ensure all data transmitted is secure. The use of service workers also means that interactions via PWAs can be controlled and manipulated safely, enhancing overall data security.


The cost of developing a PWA can vary depending on the complexity and scope of the app. Generally, PWAs are less expensive to develop than native apps because they use a single codebase across all platforms and require fewer resources for maintenance and updates. If you wish to know more about our pricing we encourage you to contact us.


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