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API integration

Streamline your internal processes and workflow by linking your website with third-party platforms and improve internal efficiencies while enabling yourself to deliver a slicker digital experience to your customers.

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We’ve helped hundreds of businesses digitally optimise their company and increase profits.

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What is API integration?

API integration involves connecting different software applications and systems through their APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to enable them to exchange data and functionalities smoothly and efficiently. This process allows disparate systems to communicate directly, automate tasks, and share information in real-time, enhancing operational efficiency and creating a more integrated user experience. API integrations are crucial for modern businesses as they rely on various software tools and platforms to run their operations, and seamless integration can significantly improve workflow, data consistency, and the overall performance of the business's digital ecosystem.

Code on screen

What do API Integration services Include?

&Element services include custom API development, system integration, third-party integration, API Security and API as a service.

Our team can help you create tailored APIs to extend the functionality of your existing software, connect different systems and applications to share data across platforms and strengthen your API security with encryption, authentication or authorisation protocols.

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How can API integration benefit my business?

API integration can bring a multitude of benefits to your business. By allowing different applications to communicate with each other, APIs can automate and streamline workflows, eliminate manual data entry, and reduce the risk of errors. APIs can also provide a seamless customer experience across various platforms. For instance, integrating your CRM with your email marketing platform can help deliver personalised communication to customers based on their interactions with your business. Businesses can reduce overheads and improve their bottom line by optimising operations and improving decision-making.

Code on a screen

Use the opportunity to increase your business sales through API integration, start your journey today.

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83% of respondents consider API integration a critical part of their business strategy

Business strategy


44% of marketers named inadequate or missing API as their number one challenge for succeeding in generating valuable insights from data

Data Insights


Improvements across many crucial business elements with direct increase in revenue of 43%

Increase in Revenue


A quarter of supply chain companies may lose over $500K per year due to poor business process integration

High Cost of Poor Integration


40% of respondents say that Digital Transformation is driving their need for app integration

Digital Transformation


Companies use an average of 976 applications, but only 28% of these are integrated

Application Integration

How do we start?



Initially we plan and discuss your business needs, objectives, and the systems that need to be integrated.



A thorough analysis of the current IT infrastructure, software, and applications to identify the best approach for API integration. This phase includes planning the architecture and design of the API solution to ensure it aligns with your business processes and technology stack.



Based on the requirements and analysis, the API(s) are designed and developed. This includes defining the API endpoints, data formats, and protocols. Custom APIs are developed if existing APIs do not meet your needs.


Quality Assurance

Rigorous testing is conducted to ensure the integration works as intended. This includes testing for functionality, performance, security, and reliability. Any issues identified during testing are resolved.


Monitoring and Aftercare

Continuous monitoring of the API integration's performance to ensure it meets the expected standards. This step also involves optimising the integration as needed to improve efficiency, scalability, and security.

Want to get a tailored process to your specific needs? Contact us now

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University of Suffolk

Ruth Patron

Centre Manager

&Element created us an immersive brand and brand strategy for Entrepreneurs Forge. The team worked with us through many research rounds to delivery exactly what we wanted.

Cochrane Associates

Dr. Peter Cochrane OBE

Ex-CTO of BT

&Element created us an immersive brand and brand strategy for Entrepreneurs Forge. The team worked with us through many research rounds to delivery exactly what we wanted.

Arma Karma

Ben Smyth


&Element created us an immersive brand and brand strategy for Entrepreneurs Forge. The team worked with us through many research rounds to delivery exactly what we wanted.

Ballen Studios

Christopher Luich

Head of Operations

&Element created us an immersive brand and brand strategy for Entrepreneurs Forge. The team worked with us through many research rounds to delivery exactly what we wanted.

Ministry of Defence

Sarah Eshelby

Employability Officer

&Element created us an immersive brand and brand strategy for Entrepreneurs Forge. The team worked with us through many research rounds to delivery exactly what we wanted.


Stephanie Demetriou


&Element created us an immersive brand and brand strategy for Entrepreneurs Forge. The team worked with us through many research rounds to delivery exactly what we wanted.

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React.js Development

Node.js server-side development image

Node.js server-side development

Next.js. a react framework image

Next.js. a react framework

MongoDB, noSQL database image

MongoDB, noSQL database

API Integration FAQs

API integration involves allowing two or more applications to communicate with each other via their APIs to perform joint functions and share data.


It enables seamless communication between different software platforms, enhancing efficiency, automating workflows, and providing a unified user experience.


By streamlining processes and ensuring that customer-facing platforms have access to real-time, consistent data, improving service delivery and personalisation.


We specialise in integrating a wide range of APIs, including RESTful, SOAP, GraphQL, and more, depending on your specific business needs.


Security is a top priority in API integration. We implement best practices like encryption, authentication, and authorisation to protect sensitive data.


Yes, our expertise spans various industries, allowing us to integrate APIs from sectors like finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more.


Our process usually includes consultation, planning, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing support.


The timeline varies based on the complexity of the project, the number of APIs to be integrated, and your specific requirements.


Yes, we offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the integration continues to run smoothly and efficiently.


We monitor integrated APIs for updates and version changes, ensuring your integration remains compatible and up-to-date.


Book a free consultation

We offer a free review of your digital presence to understand your problems and build a strategy to make you succeed online.