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Android App Development

Explore the power of mobile technology with our Android app development services. Utilising cutting-edge tools and platforms, we design, develop, and optimise Android applications that provide seamless user experiences, maximise engagement, and boost your business's mobile strategy.

Hero image

We’ve helped hundreds of businesses digitally optimise their company and increase profits.

Our core services

UX DesignWeb DevelopmentApp DevelopmentDigital MarketingArtificial Intelligence

230% average increase in ROI across our suite of services.

235+ projects completed since we were founded in 2015.

45m people reached across the world through work.

What is Android App Development?

Android app development involves creating applications for devices running the Android operating system. It allows businesses to tap into a vast market of Android users and deliver products and services right at their fingertips. At &Element, we leverage Android's versatility and wide adaptation to build innovative applications that not only meet market demands but also offer robust features and scalable performance.

Android app store

How Can Android App Development Benefit My Company?

A well-crafted Android application can serve as a critical tool for interacting with customers, improving engagement, and increasing sales. By providing a direct channel for communication and commerce, your business can enhance its operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Android apps also facilitate better customer data collection, which can be instrumental in refining marketing strategies.

Person using android

Why Should I Work with Professional Android App Developers?

Working with our professional team offers significant advantages, particularly when it comes to leveraging expertise in complex digital landscapes. Professional developers bring a depth of technical skills, experience, and understanding of user expectations that are critical for creating suitable applications. They are adept at navigating the nuanced aspects of mobile OS standards, emerging technologies, and app store guidelines, which ensures high-quality, market-compliant outputs. Collaborating with professionals not only mitigates the risk of costly errors but also amplifies your return on investment through strategic insights into user engagement and monetisation strategies.

Android phone on table

Use the opportunity to increase your business sales through app development, start your journey today.

Contact us


Android holds about 72% of the global smartphone market share, making it the most used mobile operating system

User Base


90% of mobile time is spent on apps

Customer Preference


Mobile apps convert 3x higher than mobile sites

Conversion Rates


The open rate for push notifications from Android apps can be as high as 90%



42% of small businesses already have a mobile app, and an additional 30% plan to build one in the future

Brand Presence


he average return on investment (ROI) for successful Android app development projects is over 130%

Revenue Growth

How do we start?



We start by understanding your vision, market requirements, and the functionalities needed in the app. This phase sets the foundation for the project, outlining the development roadmap and strategic goals



Our designers craft intuitive and engaging user interfaces that reflect your brand identity and enhance user experience. This step involves wire-framing, mockups, and user feedback iterations to ensure the design is not only beautiful but also functional.



Utilising cutting-edge technology, our skilled developers transform designs into functional, dynamic websites. We emphasise responsive and secure solutions tailored to your business needs.


Quality Assurance

Rigorous testing is conducted to identify and fix any issues. This includes performance testing, security checks, and user experience assessments to guarantee a polished and robust application.


SEO and aftercare

After thorough testing, your Android app is launched on the Google Play Store. Post-launch, we monitor its performance and user reception, making adjustments as necessary to optimize its functionality and user experience.

Want to get a tailored process to your specific needs? Contact us now

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University of Suffolk

Ruth Patron

Centre Manager

&Element created us an immersive brand and brand strategy for Entrepreneurs Forge. The team worked with us through many research rounds to delivery exactly what we wanted.

Cochrane Associates

Dr. Peter Cochrane OBE

Ex-CTO of BT

There is nothing like a change of career for creating a tidal wave of disruption; and after decades of leading industry, I was ready. &Element are the best I have worked with to progress this change, and therefore come with my full support and highest recommendation.

Arma Karma

Ben Smyth


We worked with &Element to create an engaging pipeline of projects over 12 months for our business. Including a marketing website, 3 customer checkouts and a staff dashboard and API integrations, &Element supported us to achieve this huge feat.

Ballen Studios

Christopher Luich

Head of Operations

&Element have been fundamental to developing our AI dashboard and other machine learning solutions. They have allowed us to achieve huge growth and modernisation in our company. Thank you for your hard work.

Ministry of Defence

Sarah Eshelby

Employability Officer

We approached &Element to build us an employability portal for our tri-service military personnel looking at gaining new skills and career opportunities. They were efficient and helpful throughout the project and we hope to work with them again.


Stephanie Demetriou


Thank you &Element for your hard work, professionalism and knowledgeability. Leading us over many years to build out our web dashboards and integrate advanced AI features (such as facial tracking, intelligent teleprompters, data scraping).

Featured app development case studies

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React.js Development image

React.js Development

Node.js server-side development image

Node.js server-side development

Next.js. a react framework image

Next.js. a react framework

MongoDB, noSQL database image

MongoDB, noSQL database

Android App Development FAQs

Android app development involves creating software applications that run on the Android platform, using the Android SDK along with other languages that can be included within the Android Studio IDE.


Android offers access to a broader global market, customisable user interfaces, and compatibility with a multitude of devices from different manufacturers, making it a versatile choice for mobile app development.


The primary languages are Java and Kotlin. Kotlin has been adopted as Google's official language due to its conciseness and interoperability with Java.


Key benefits include a large user base, open-source advantages of innovation and cost reduction, more accessible entry to the Google Play Store, and integration with the entire Android ecosystem, including wearables and TVs.


& Element's comprehensive approach includes market research, UX/UI design, agile development practices, extensive testing, and post-launch support to ensure the app meets and exceeds user expectations.


The development time can vary widely depending on the complexity of the app and feature set but typically ranges from 3 to 9 months.


Costs can range significantly based on app complexity, developer rates, and additional service requirements. We encourage you to contact us if you wish to know more about our pricing.


Yes, &Element specialises in platform conversion services, which include porting iOS apps to Android and optimising design and functionality to fit Android standards.


Yes, &Element offers ongoing maintenance and updates to ensure the Android app remains current with operating system updates and new features.


&Element implements best security practices, including data encryption, secure backend connections, and compliance with all relevant privacy laws and guidelines.


Book a free consultation

We offer a free review of your digital presence to understand your problems and build a strategy to make you succeed online.